The European Chamber of Commerce in the Dominican Republic is organizing an 8-10am breakfast-conference for 1 June 2015 to discuss ways of improving the positioning of micro, small business and medium enterprises (MSME) in the Dominican Republic.

Chamber president Hans Witsenboer said that the event seeks to propose ways of creating a better environment for small business. Witzenboer highlights that the small business sector contributes 50% of jobs and 27% of GDP. “We have around 1.4 million micro, small business and medium enterprises and around 19,000 small and medium businesses but 96% of them operate outside the formal sector. Escipion Oliveira, director of Caribbean Export, which is supporting the event, said that it seeks to streamline the national development vision of Dominican business for presentation at the EU-CELAC summit of heads of state of the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean taking place in Brussels on 10-11 June 2015. The event will take place at the Hotel Embajador.

